Hotmail offers protocol settings, you can access a Hotmail/outlook account with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3 protocols. Note: Check the “Keep me signed in ” while login to keep your account logged in.
Enter the details(email & password) of your Hotmail account and click on 'Login.'. Choose the option "Outlook" (In which Hotmail is included). Open 'Mail' for Windows 10 and click 'Get Started.'. The most widely used operating system worldwide that certainly fits is "Windows".You can hotmail login in Windows by following some easy steps below If you provide these details correctly, your hotmail account will log in. "Keep your account sign in" appears, select the required option (yes or no). Enter your email address, and click next. By completing these steps, your account will be created. Click " I agree" to accept all the terms of service and its policies. Enter recovery phone number and email address if required.
Complete the easy captcha to Verify you are human.You are requested to enter your First and Last name, Country, Date of birth, Gender etc.Create a strong password for your account(Passwords are case sensitive).Enter "Username" select or Click Next.
Visit, locate and click on "Get a new email address".You can Create Hotmail Account by following steps below.